
Reflection of Project One.

At first, I thought I could begin the essay with some brief background about the experience that I studied far away from my motherland; then, I could get to my point immediately. However, after reading some sample work in class and some articles in Reading and Writing book, I found it might be better to start my essay with a detailed story that related to my literacy thesis; therefore, I made a big chance in my arrangement. I pull the story which I wanted to put in the middle of my essay originally to the front of the essay, and I do my best to reappear the story to my reader. After finishing describing the personal experience, I found that the entire two pages are all description of events, but I just use one paragraph on my interpretation, which means that I did not maintain a good balance between the two parts. Thus, I decided to write more about my thoughts. I explored my thesis statement further.
In the essay, I intended to inform my readers that: “Only when I put home language and school language in the right position will everything goes in the way that I expected it to follow.” And this essay is written for other students at my age, so I choose using an interesting tone to tell the story happened in school so that I can capture my readers’ attention. Also, I used lots of examples that students will come across frequently. The reason is that I want them to think, think about how they act differently between school and home. In this way, they might be understand my thesis more clearly. Finally, in the last paragraph, I used a vivid analogy to help explain how the two languages work in my life; I tried to use a familiar object to help reader to understand the function of home language and school language and how they can work together.

