
The Song Decoders

Reading:  Invention
·What is invention?  (What activities did the writer have to engage in to create the text?)
 ·What is being invented? (What ideas, practices, arguments, etc. are created by the text?)
In order to write this article, the author must have done lots of research to collect resources about Pandora. In the article, Rob first described “The Music Genome Project”, which was the back end of Pandora and was also the technical support of Pandora. Then he even talked about how the Pandora be set up. Without researching, author cannot know such detailed and technological thing about Pandora. Besides, the writer also used several feedbacks form different users of Pandora to show readers how this app works. These feedbacks might be collected from the Internet or form author’s friends. Also, Rob must have tried the Pandora by himself.
In the article, the author came up with a question that "are your music-consumption habits, in fact, not merely guided but partly shaped by the cultural information that Pandora largely screens out – like what's considered awesome by your peers, or by music taste-makers, or by anybody else?" Rob believed systems that connect people with their friends with similar tastes, or that rely on “collaborative filtering” strategies that cross-match our music-consumption habits with those of like- minded strangers. People trust their friends or trust “the crowd”. The writer was trying to persuade people that the computer technology might help them find out their favorite songs and the Pandora may influences users’ habits.

Reading:  Arrangement
·What is arrangement?  (What is being put in relation to what?)
 ·What is being arranged? (How are the things being put in relation to one another?)
Tip:  It may be a good idea to make a visual of the arrangement of the essay.
In the article, the writer mainly talked about an Internet radio service called Pandora, which could help users to find music that they really like. Rob first described “The Music Genome Project”, which was the back end of Pandora and was also the technical support of Pandora. Then, he introduced some background about Pandora. After that, he came up with several questions, which is the invention of this article, and he used several either positive feedbacks or negative feedbacks form different users of Pandora to show readers how this app works. These reflections came from real users, so readers will believe him more and also will understand the idea more clearly. These are all evidence whcih helps readers to consider the author as reliable and credible, and the reader might respect the author’s views.

Reading:  Revision
·What is revision? (What is the writer trying to change?  For example, what ideas, practices, etc.? What is the author’s argument?)
 ·What is being revised?  (What strategies are engaged specifically to help the writer achieve the revisions?)
            Most of people did not notice the existence if the interaction between public favors ("social influence on listening habits"). Thus, the author tried to revise this phenomenon, so he emphasis the significance of this social influence. In the article, he devoted a great deal of time to discussing technology behind the Pandora in order to show readers they can experience new music on the basis of the music and not the influence of others.


Reflection of Project One.

At first, I thought I could begin the essay with some brief background about the experience that I studied far away from my motherland; then, I could get to my point immediately. However, after reading some sample work in class and some articles in Reading and Writing book, I found it might be better to start my essay with a detailed story that related to my literacy thesis; therefore, I made a big chance in my arrangement. I pull the story which I wanted to put in the middle of my essay originally to the front of the essay, and I do my best to reappear the story to my reader. After finishing describing the personal experience, I found that the entire two pages are all description of events, but I just use one paragraph on my interpretation, which means that I did not maintain a good balance between the two parts. Thus, I decided to write more about my thoughts. I explored my thesis statement further.
In the essay, I intended to inform my readers that: “Only when I put home language and school language in the right position will everything goes in the way that I expected it to follow.” And this essay is written for other students at my age, so I choose using an interesting tone to tell the story happened in school so that I can capture my readers’ attention. Also, I used lots of examples that students will come across frequently. The reason is that I want them to think, think about how they act differently between school and home. In this way, they might be understand my thesis more clearly. Finally, in the last paragraph, I used a vivid analogy to help explain how the two languages work in my life; I tried to use a familiar object to help reader to understand the function of home language and school language and how they can work together.