
Reflection of Project two -- Cultural Artifact Analysis

When it came to popular culture artifact, I started thinking about some objects with long history such as writing brush, necklace, embroidery, Chinese knot and things like that. As a result, I became so nervous because I am not familiar with these things, not to mention we have to write about it. Luckily, the definition of culture artifact is not that narrow. Almost everything can be culture artifact even including human! “Probably the best way to choose a topic and artifacts for this project is to think about those artifacts that interest you or affect you the most—perhaps something you have particular experience with, prior knowledge of, or strong feelings about,” Barb wrote. Thus, after reading assignment description, I decided to make a list of culture artifact that I could see, I could touch, or even I eat. This did help me a lot; I found plenty of significant artifacts. At last, I choose to write about contact lenses. Contact lenses are gaining increasing popularity these decades. They are popular cultural artifacts that are incredibly widespread, but very controversial at the same time.
The audiences for this essay are users of contact lenses and also the potential user of contact lenses, and therefore, I began the essay by introducing some authoritative statistics data in order to attract the reader’s attention. Then, I introduced three different types of contact lenses and the different function of them.
In project two, I want to argue that contact lenses have more advantages than downsides and we cannot blame contact lenses because we misuse them. Although contact lenses may cause some effects to users’ eyes after long-term use, it is inappropriate to negate contact lenses entirely based on this reason because everything has risks. In the rest of the essay, I list tons of advantages of contact lenses, and I not only use my true story but also many source form database to support my thoughts.   
I am weak in grammar, so I made lots of mistake in the essay at first. After listening to my partner’s (Alexa) suggestions, I want to Writing Center for help. The TA there was so nice, and she helped me to clear up these issues. Also, when doing Eli Review, my partner, Alexa, told me that it might be a good idea to define what myopia is. Thus, I add an explanation in parentheses behind “Myopia” so that way the reader wouldn't have to look it up while reading the essay.